
BCC Missions, Benevolences and Outreach being supported

                        As of October, 2011 BCC is supporting the following organizations monthly

Team Expansion-  Support for Spencer and Pat Garner in their missionary work in Mongolia

Shiloh Christian Children's Ranch- Located in Shelbina Missouri,provides safe haven for abused and

neglected children in a rural setting.

Galilean Christian Children's Home- Located in Liberty, Kentucky provides safe haven for abused and

neglected children. 

Ninos de Mexico- Aid for abused and neglected children in Mexico through their office in Union, Mo.

Bread of Life Rescue Mission- Rescue Mission run by Raplh Reagan in Crossville, Tennessee. Provides

lodging, food, medical support and religious aid for people in need.

Johnson University- General support for the University.

Upper Cumberland Christian Fellowship- Supports the Independent Christian Churches In Upper Cumberland Area.

Bloomington Christian Church Youth Program- Support for the BCC Youth Programs

Scholorships for students attending Bible College- Up to six students per term for a Maximum of $600.00 per month for a period from August 1 through May 1,  All current recipients are attending Johnson Univ.