

Bloomington Christian Church members volunteer their services to do work in the church to serve the LORD.
The following information is designed to help each person with examples of services we have ongoing in the church. We need YOU in any area that you feel you can and want to serve. If YOU want to be involved with the ongoing activities please talk to any committee chairman of the activity you are interested in.


GREETERS: Each Sunday morning we have a person at each entrance to the church to greet people as they enter the church. It is nice to be met at the door with a greeting and a smile. When we smile we receive a smile. We can all do this. If you wish to be added tot he greeter list you may contact Marilyn Cross at 864-3742.

CHURCH COMMUNION: We have volunteers that take care of the communion prepartion each Sunday morning. This service is a very important part of the church service. We have several committed people doing this service but we can always use more volunteers. Contact  Oleta Barber at 864-6194

VISITATION TEAMS: Volunteers have joined in to form teams, generally in pairs, that go out in the community to visit sick, shut-ins, the non-christian, and others that need encouragement and visiting,.
Specific weeks are assigned to each team throughout the year. If you would like to join a team and get involved with visitation please contact Ronnie Zachary at 864-3768.

HOSPITALITY BASKETS: We provide a hospitality basket to Livingston Regional Hospital. This basket is prepared and delivered each week by a volunteer from the church. We provide small snack items and scripture notes, that are placed in a basket that is used in various waiting areas of the hospital. This basket is placed in the area only at certain hours. For more information or if you would like to help contact Karri Amonett at 823-9016.

ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE: This committee plans activities throughout the year. Such activities are: Chicken BBQ, Hay Rides, Trips, Special Services, Holiday Activities, and many more. This committee consists of :
Chairman: Mickey Jolly, Norman Amonett,
Members: Marilyn Cross, Marcia Lee, Shirley Sells, Cathy Smith.

BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE: This committee cares for the building and grounds maintance in general, care of property, electrical, plumbing, new improvements everything from toilets to light bulbs.
Committee Chairman: Randall Cross 8643742
Members are James Abbott, Ronnie Zachary, Don Maquire.

CHURCH VAN AND BUS:We use volunteer drivers to drive the church van to transport on Sundays and Wednesday evenings as well as on special occasions. Drivers are screened. We always need more drivers. If interested pleas contact Norman Amonett 

CHURCH NEWSLETTER: Each month newsletters are sent out to all church members., former members.
Wednesday night youth and to anyone else requesting one. This is an informative newsletter with the ongoing activities, special occasions, and other happenings we need to be aware of along with other tidbits. If you need more information or have information for the newsletter contact: Joyce Fryar. 

PRAYER CHAIN- We conduct a phone prayer chain for those who need our prayers in the event of sickness accident or other emergencies. For more information or to have  your name added to our prayer chain for helping conduct calls please see or call Ronnie Tompkins at 8235008.

Church Picnic Area- To reserve contact Marilyn Cross at 864-3742

Church Fellowship Hall - To reserve contact Shelia Jolly at 864-3867